MOT (from £45)

Everyone who uses a vehicle on the road must keep it in a roadworthy condition. The MOT test checks that vehicles meet a minimum road safety and environmental standard. The first MOT test for the vehicle is required when it is three years old.
What is an MOT Test?
The MOT is an annual examination of the condition of cars and light commercial vehicles in mainland Britain. It is required on all vehicles over three years old with one or two very minor exceptions, small breakdown trucks being one example.
Pre-MOT Checks
It's the little details that can make the difference between a pass and a fail.
1. Tackle your car from the inside out. Ensure that there is no play in the driver's controls. Check the steering wheel and column, the handbrake and the footbrake.
2. Make sure that there aren't any large chips or cracks on the windscreen so your vision is clear.
3. Check the seatbelts. Look for damage on the buckles, and if you own a dog, ensure that it hasn't chewed through the belts themselves.
4. Once outside the car, you should give it a bounce to test the shock absorbers. Anything other than a firm response could spell trouble.
5. It's important that your wheels are aligned correctly and that your tyres are inflated to the right pressure. The tread shouldn't fall below 1.6mm and the tyre shape should be true.
6. Don't forget your lights. The casings should have no cracks or damage and they should all work without any problems (including your indicators, fog lights and any number plate lights).
7. An easy one to forget is your number plate. The spacing between each character should be adequate and the plate itself securely fastened.